Feminine magnetism means attracting your desires effortlessly through your feminine energy.

By nature the feminine is magnetic, like the flower blooms and the bee comes.

The feminine is to desire, being fully embodied in your feminine essence means knowing what you want, and magnetising it towards you.

It has taken me years to come back into my feminine heart, and I still lose my way at times because of an overpowering inner masculine way of being.

As much as a healthy masculine is essential in our lives, the masculine is mind identified and so when it overpowers,
we stay stuck in the mind where we are often closed off in fear and therefore closed off from life, not available, not open, not trusting and not blooming.

The feminine is meant to bloom and blossom into more and more of herself, but when we block the natural flow of our feminine, we feel disempowered, disconnected from our true essence and aliveness.

Every time I come back into my feminine essence through writing, sacred practises, speaking my truth, I feel my magic and power, there is nothing I cannot do when I fully embody the power of my feminine.

I have created this program for you to feel opened and expanded by your feminine essence.

To feel safe in expressing your feminine fullness, your feelings and your truth.

To awaken you to the desires of your heart, and make them a reality through letting your feminine lead the way.
( letting the heart lead the mind )

Here we feel alive, inspired, and awake, and this is the magnetism, because The Universe responds to our alive awakened heart, here we become an energetic match for what we desire.


  • We start November 6th till December 8th.

  • We will be together for 7 x 2-hour live calls.

  • We dive into ritual, teachings, sacred embodiment practices, sharing and writing. (It's incredibly powerful to tune into the field live; however if you can’t make it to all the live sessions, they will be recorded and available for you.)

  • You will get a program workbook with the biggest takeaways from the teachings, lots of juicy journaling prompts & rituals.

  • Private community group chat for sharing your heart, sacred homework, questions, and coaching support from me.

  • Bonus, you will receive pre-recorded modules, meditations and embodiment recordings that you can use to practise in your own time, you will have lifetime access to a selected few of these recordings.



One time
For 2 months


  • The feminine in her essence is trust, this trust is often blocked by fear. 

    We feel fear because underneath we don’t feel safe, but instead of staying closed off in fear, it’s about transforming fear into trust.

    Here we open to life, to possibility and potential.

  • Coming back into our feminine heart means having the courage to feel again, to make space for everything.

    Learning how to hold, be with and navigate your emotions is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself, as your emotions tell you who you are, they make you feel alive and it is through your aliveness that you manifest the life of your dreams.

    Embodiment work is going to teach you this.

  • Learning to get in touch with your heart is to awaken to what it is you truly want.

    Learning how to trust the desires in your heart and connecting to your desires as a regular practice.

    This creates clarity, clarity creates your reality.

  • Becoming clear on your desires will guide you to how you define success for yourself.

    Feminine leadership is guiding yourself toward that success in a way that feels aligned with you.

    Leading from your heart, from what feels good, from what inspires.

    Knowing how to balance the inner masculine and feminine, knowing when to show up and take action and when to lean back and let your feminine magnetism work for you.

  • What we believe is what we see in our lives.

    In this module we will investigate our beliefs around money, which are often limiting, these are the beliefs that block us from calling in the desired abundance.

    We are going to dive into seeing money and wealth from a whole new perspective, which will remove your blocks towards claiming financial expansion.

  • We often get distracted by comparison, but coming into your heart you will discover your own truth, and your feelings, it’s about following the current that moves you.

    This is your authenticity, and it’s about learning to trust that, to stand for that, and find the courage to express that.

    This is your magic, the world needs that magic.

  • We will plant the seeds of our desires and make a whole manifestation ritual around it that you won’t forget.

    And there will be space for any questions you have as your sacred journey continues.