• 1:1 - Transformational Journey


Is to be who you came here to be, to follow the desires in your heart on how you want to live, how you want to love, and what you want to create in your life, to fulfill your soul's purpose, this is your dharma.


Is learning to embrace the polarity within, our masculine and feminine, our shadow and light, our spiritual and human self.

The sacred work of the inward journey where you will find everything you are looking for, where you awaken to your own power.


Is to embody your power and move beyond the limitations of the mind into a multidimensional way of being that opens you up to the unlimited potential within you and available to you.



Through the lens of the chakra system, we are going to get clarity on the shadow and light within.

Here you get to know who you are, and by embracing all that you are, you claim your power, the more you get to know yourself and your own power the more magnetic you become. 

With clarity on your shadows, you can heal and alchemize the limiting patterns that are blocking your full potential.

With clarity in your light, you discover what your unique gifts are, what you are naturally good at, and what you can do to truly enhance and embody that. 

To give your light power, so your divinity can shine through you, and you feel the strength and confidence to go after what inspires you.


Ultimately clarity creates your reality, so it is very important we become clear on what we want from ourselves and life.

We will focus on our desires, values, standards, and boundaries, which will clarify how we want to live.

It is going to feel so inspiring and expansive to become clear on your dreams and desires, and the energy and emotions behind that will ensure you become an energetic match for your dreams. This is essentially what manifesting means.

But it all starts by becoming clear, clear on what we want, who we want to be, how we want to live, and what we want to create.

The intention is to learn to stay connected to the dream as that will continuously lead the way on our paths.


Like meditation, journalling, dance, and our main focus will be sacred embodiment breath-work.

We create our dreams by becoming an energetic match for our dreams, through how we feel, so it is important we learn to master emotional sovereignty. ( knowing how to handle our own emotions. )

We learn this through embodiment breath work where we drop out of the mind and into the body to make space for our emotions and feelings. 

Emotions are constantly moving through us, they inform us who we are, but if challenging emotions arise and we don’t allow this to naturally flow through us and we repress them, we trap the energy in our body and this is what blocks us from feeling fully alive. We disconnect from who we are and risk numbness. The Universe doesn’t respond to numbness and so we stay stuck.

When all we need to do is allow ourselves to feel whatever it is we need to feel, to release repressed emotions and trapped energy, here you claim your full aliveness and vitality back, here we feel connected to who we are at our core, and this is why you claim your biggest transformation through embodiment work.

The depth at which you feel pain is the depth at which you can feel joy and happiness and pleasure, and it is through those feelings that we become an energetic match for our dreams. 

Because I assume your dreams evoke all those feelings within you. :) 

But If we repress one we repress it all and we stay stuck.

So it is about making space for all of it ( Aka Emotional Sovereignty ) where you find freedom and can build your dream life.


After the program is done your journey continues, the intention is that you are anchored on your path and you know how to continuously lead yourself into your power and towards your dreams that keep changing and evolving.



    A big part of the journey is taken through the lens of the chakra system.

    Within each chakra, there are different light and shadow aspects.

    The chakras are an amazing tool to become very clear on what shadows are particularly resonant or which light and gift aspects really connect to us.


    Dropping out of the mind and into the body, through breath, sound, and movement. Here we give the body the space to unravel and to release and heal what it has been holding onto. Whether this is unprocessed emotions, trauma, stress, or fear it is in the release of this energetic charge where we heal and transform.The nervous system relaxes and new energy and inspiration can find us, which opens the paths to desire, success, creativity etc... To fully heal, transform, reclaim and create we have to include the body. It is always within the wisdom of the body. 


    Balancing the masculine and feminine energies within you.

    In other words Consciousness and Creation, Structure and Flow.

    We will work on creating a structure that feels in alignment for you, to hold you accountable for what you want to do and create, and within that structure, you will learn to flow.


    What is it that your heart is truly longing for, How do you want to feel? What do you want to create? Who do you want to be? How much money do you want to make? Your desires give you clarity, they show you in what direction you are meant to go, here you will also discover your soul's purpose / Dharma.

    We will then dive deep and uncover what is blocking you from achieving your desires.


    We all want to express our truth and what moves us from within, and we all want to be seen in that, and there is nothing wrong with this, but often authentic expression gets blocked in the fear of not being accepted or loved.

    But it doesn't feel good to hide who we really are and often no expression means depression. We have to get in touch with who we are and what lives within us and how can we express that in a way that feels good. That invites connection and will make you feel seen, in whatever area of your life.


    “Vulnerability is our most accurate measure of courage” Brené Brown.

    Being open, and honest about what is real and present for us, is the fastest way to transformation and authenticity, as it creates a deep connection to yourself, and your vulnerable expression inspires others to be themselves too.

    If we want to be who we really are it means having the courage to be vulnerable and to take full ownership of our own story.


    The feminine energy is inherently creative, in its truest form she can pro-create new life from her body. But we can birth anything from our beings, it's about becoming quiet enough to hear the ideas emerge from the depth of our hearts and finding the right structure, flow, and willpower to bring our creativity into form whatever this may be.


    Unfortunately, we often block ourselves from the inflow of money, because of guilt and shame and the beliefs we have about money. Believing you don't have money is a limiting belief that keeps you stuck where you are and it blocks you from being able to expand into calling in more abundance for yourself. It is keeping you small.

    We will dismantle these beliefs and blocks and the program will help you expand beyond that so that you open yourself into prosperity.


    To experience and receive pleasure is the feminine in her truest form. But as we live in a very masculine world with masculine constructs of endless goal-orientated pushing, sinking into pleasure is often the last thing on our to-do list and mostly this gets forgotten about, but when we don't make time for pleasure we can’t get in touch with the divine feminine within us which means we disconnect from who we really are and what we really want to create.

    In the program, you will learn what gives you pleasure and by making time for pleasure you will feel different, and with that, you become a magnet for what you desire.