The structure for the ritual is as follows;
Drop in Meditation (To ground us in the space by bringing our attention and energy into the present moment)
Short Transmission on the Theme of the Month.
The Embodiment Practise (40 Min)
Connecting with desires.
Sharing from the heart for those who feel called.
How to prepare and creating your own sacred space;
Don’t eat at least an hour before, it’s better to breath this deep on a fairly empty stomach.
Find a space where you can lie down, feel comfortable and where you wont be disturbed or distracted, even if you are going to make noise :)
Light a candle - favourite objects nearby like a crystal and something to burn like sage. (This is all optional but it is a nice little ritual to create your own sacred space and get you in the zone)
Wear comfy clothes to move in and stay warm in.
Have water / Herbal tea and tissues near by
Journal and pen (optional)
Download zoom if you don’t have an account yet (it’s free)
After Care & grounding back;
After the practise you may feel raw, opened, empowered or vulnerable, what ever you feel it is all okay just make sure you are gentle and loving and giving yourself enough time to ground and integrate the experience.
Journalling is great.
A walk in nature.
Eating root veggies.
Salt baths.
Drink plenty of healthy fluids to assist your system in flushing out anything that was released.
If you continue to feel ungrounded after a session, you can always contact me.